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Preview of the away match in Linz

Since Tuesday, the Violets have been preparing for the last match of the qualifying group away against FC Blau Weiß Linz (Saturday, 17:00) under interim coach Christian Wegleitner. In Linz, the long-range duel with WAC is still about the home right for the play-off semi-final against Wolfsberg (Tuesday, 19:00).


After the 4-0 defeat against the WAC and the release of Michael Wimmer, the coaching team led by interim coach Christian Wegleitner tried to get the team back on track: "This week, we tried to find out how we as a coaching team can help the team. We also had a lot of one-to-one discussions with our leading players," Wegleitner explains.

Austria Vienna has already qualified for the play-off semi-finals. With a win in the last round of the qualifying group against FC Blau Weiß Linz, the Violets could still secure seventh place and thus the right to play at home on Tuesday if the WAC does not win in the parallel match against WSG Tirol on Saturday:

"The match in Linz is important for us for several reasons: we want to keep the chance of a home game in case the WAC doesn't win. In addition, a win would give us confidence for the play-off. It would obviously be an advantage for us to play the play-off semi-final at home on Tuesday. Our fans have always given their all for the team this season. They deserve this home game," says Christian Wegleitner.

Personnel news

James Holland and Luca Pazourek are fit again. This means that only the three long-term injured players Ziad El Sheiwi, Marko Raguz and Flo Wustinger will be missing for the season finale.