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6,000 violet members

For the first time in the club's 112-year history, Austria Wien has over 6,000 members. This means that the number has doubled within 13 months - in March 2022 it was 3,000 for the first time. With an average attendance of 11,224, Austria can also currently boast the highest spectator average in its Bundesliga history (since the founding of the Bundesliga in 1974/75) and is also well ahead of the last championship season (12/13: 10,295) and the first season in the new stadium (18/19: 10,183).

People from all different corners of society come together in our stands to support their club.

CEO Gerhard Krisch: "We made a conscious decision a year and a half ago to strengthen our member service. The members form the core of the club, they support the training of our junior and academy players with their contributions. It is great that we have managed to double the number of members within one year. Our thanks go to all Austria Wien fans who actively support their club with their membership in a challenging time. We are aware that this cannot be taken for granted. The continuing high attendance figures show that we are on the right track, knowing full well that there is still a lot of work ahead of us, especially in the economic area."