BW Linz - Austria |


"Want to show a different face in Linz"

Coach Michael Wimmer talks about the upcoming game against Blau Weiß Linz.


At the beginning of the training week, the Violets' programme focused on coming to terms with the 3-0 derby defeat: "We were very self-critical about the derby, especially the first half. We talked about how it could be that we performed like that, couldn't get a grip and didn't stick to the plan - the pressure, over-motivation or even the changes may have played a role. We worked through that, but then also talked about the positives - the second half - but of course the defeat weighs twice as much for us because it was a derby and we really wanted to stay unbeaten. Now we want to show a different face in Linz," said coach Michael Wimmer.

"As long as it's mathematically possible, we'll do everything we can"

As all other direct rivals in the battle for the top six - Hartberg, Klagenfurt and WAC - also won in the previous week, the starting position ahead of the last two rounds of the basic round has deteriorated significantly. Austria no longer have it in their own hands to make it into the championship group, there are various possible constellations, but one thing is clear: In order to keep their chances alive, the Violets must get two wins on Sunday against Blau Weiß Linz and then at home against WSG Tirol (10 March, 17:00):

"As long as it's mathematically possible to reach the top six, we'll do everything we can. Of course we know that we have to win twice. But our aim has to be to give our all in every game and win every match. But we also know that if we don't make the top six, we still have the chance to reach our goal of Europe via the lower play-off," explains Michael Wimmer.