Austria Wien will face FC Wels in the first round of the ÖFB Cup. The match will be played on the weekend of July 15-17, 2022.
©GEPA pictures
Right after the ÖFB women's 1-0 test match victory over Belgium, ORF climatologist Christa Kummer drew the pairings for the first round of the ÖFB Cup. Austria Wien will face FC Wels.
With home rights for lower-tier clubs still suspended due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Violets have a home game as of the draw.
However, clubs of the regional associations are entitled to apply for the Cup match to be played at their sports facilities this year as well, if the infrastructural conditions allow the match to be held in compliance with all legal regulations, ordinances and concepts and if the safety of the health of all participants is ensured.
Thus, it is currently not yet clear where the match against the Upper Austrians, who were relegated from the Regionalliga Mitte in 2021-22, will take place. The match day will also only be fixed in the coming days, with the match dates being July 15, 16 and 17, 2022.
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