Austria is delighted to announce a new membership record: for the first time in the club's history, we have more than 7,000 members. To mark this occasion and to coincide with SCHALala Day at the home match against Austria Lustenau (Saturday, 17:00), we are delighted to present the first exclusive members' fan merchandise.
The scarf is available exclusively for members for 15 euros, from now on in the fan shop and online (member login required, otherwise the item will not be displayed in the online shop). On the home match day against Lustenau, the exclusive members' scarf will not only be available in the fan shop, but also in the Fanmobile (cash payment) opposite the fan shop (only on presentation of your membership card).
The motto "Hoch Austria" was used in the days of Norbert Lopper and Joschi Walter. Our fans built a bridge from history to the present with their choreo and the paintings at the stadium, and now we are immortalising "Hoch Austria" on our first exclusive members' fan merchandise.