Like last year, the Vienna Vikings will play the semi-finals of the European League of Football at the Generali Arena. On Saturday, 7 September at 3:15 pm, the unblemished Vikings want to secure their place in the Championship Game, the opponent is still to be determined. Austria Wien fans receive a 19.11 per cent discount on all tickets.
Twelve games, twelve wins. The Vienna Vikings have once again strolled through the regular season of the European League of Football and have qualified for the semi-finals in impressive style. After the first two home games in the Generali-Arena, which the Vikings played against the Raiders Tirol (27-6) and the Berlin Thunder (25-20), Wiener Neustadt was the home of quarterback Ben Holmes & Co. for the other four matches.
Now the Vienna Vikings return to the Generali-Arena. And the goal is clear: on 7 September, they aim to win their 13th game of the season and take part in the Championship Game in Gelsenkirchen!
In June, almost 11,000 fans attended the Clash of Austria against the Raiders Tirol and over 9,000 attended the game against Berlin Thunder. The Generali-Arena is set to inspire the Vikings again in September - it's not without reason that it is the favourite home ground of head coach Chris Calaycay's team.
The Vienna Vikings are offering a discount of 19.11 per cent for Austria Wien fans! Simply go to fak.at/vikings-halbfinale, select your favourite seat and enter the code '1911' in the 'Ticketaktion Austria Wien' field - the discount will be deducted automatically. Children between the ages of six and 18 can get in for as little as 10 euros.
As usual, the Vienna Vikings will provide a well-rounded entertainment programme around the match. Whether in front of or inside the Generali-Arena, games, fun and excitement will be guaranteed.
In addition to the violet colour and the games in the Generali-Arena, Austria Wien and the Vienna Vikings are linked above all by the Ballsportgymnasium, where athletes from both clubs enjoy their school education. The dual education system at the Ballsportgymnasium enables the young athletes to concentrate on their sporting careers while at the same time working towards their A-levels with full energy.
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