The Vienna Vikings will play their home games in the European League of Football (ELF) at the Generali Arena in the summer of 2022. Tickets for the six matches are already available, and Austria season ticket holders for the 2021/22 season will receive free admission to the opening match against Frankfurt Galaxy on June 12.
Luis Horvath, Vikings-Headcoach Chris Calaycay, Sporting Director Manuel Ortlechner & Markus Suttner (f.l.)
©FK Austria Wien/Köhler
For the first-time participation in the European League of Football, which was founded in 2020, the Vienna Vikings have looked for - and found - a special home. The five-time Euro Bowl winner and 15-time Austrian national champion will play its six home games in the ELF Regular Season at the Generali Arena.
The first football game in the new Generali Arena will take place on Sunday, June 12 at 3:00 pm. The opponent is none other than the reigning ELF champion Frankfurt Galaxy. For this top match, the Vienna Vikings invite all Austria Wien season ticket holders to join them exclusively and free of charge in the east grandstand.
For all other games, only the North Stand will be open. Tickets are available from 24 euros at full price, 20 euros at a reduced rate and 9 euros for children and young people (6-16 years) online here. VIP tickets are also available online at 336 euros (full price) and 288 euros (youth).
ELF home games of the Vienna Vikings @ Generali Arena
The violet captains: Luis Horvath & Markus Suttner
©FK Austria Wien/Köhler
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