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“We want to play successful and attractive football. The beautiful game, one aspiration of Austria Wien, goes perfectly with my approach - combined with the necessary power, as well as great passion and the involvement of the whole club, this should lead to success,” emphasises head coach Christian Ilzer and adds:
“Coaching is always about squads, about a team, and ultimately about people. I need to understand and guide these people so that they can access their full potential.”
Sports Director Ralf Muhr, "I am proud that our desired coach is working with us now. Christian Ilzer stands for attractive football and fits in perfectly with the game philosophy of Austria Wien. During our personal conversations we have confirmed that he has exactly the mentality we need.”
CEO Markus Kraetschmer, “This was the most important personnel decision this summer. It was the longest and most intensive coach search Austria Wien has done so far. I would like to express my special thanks to Sports Director Ralf Muhr and President Frank Hensel, because I am sure that we have made a very good choice with Christian Ilzer. He was in great demand.”
When asked about his first impressions, Ilzer says, “This is a very special day and a special moment for me. It's a really good feeling to be Austria Wien’s coach. There is a lot of potential in this traditional club. Until Sunday my full focus was on WAC, where I spent a great and successful time. Now I'm looking forward to the Austria Wien family and Vienna”.
Christian Ilzer has continued to grow during his coaching career (see below), started as a 17-year-old, worked his way up and can already look back on successes. “He has demonstrated his qualities in different roles. We have looked very closely at the developments of the teams and clubs he has worked with - and they are all very positive. I am convinced that he is ready for a big club,” says Ralf Muhr.
The squad plans for the 2019/20 season are in full swing. “By mid-June, until training starts, most of the squad should be finalized,” says Sports Director Muhr, who will be closely intertwined with the new head coach. “I think we have a very coherent squad overall, which we want to improve selectively,” says Ilzer.
Kraetschmer adds, “Our job now is to create the conditions that allow us to achieve our goals. I hope and believe that together we can start a successful era.”
The previous professional coaching functions of Christian Ilzer:
Ausgabe KW 24/2019 |
Erstellt am 13.06.2019 |
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19.06.2019 in der Generali-Arena
30.06 - 05.07.2019 in Loipersdorf
12.07.2019, 19:00, Gernerali-Arena, FK Austria Wien vs. Manchester United U23 und Queens Park Rangers
1. Runde, 19.-21.07.2019
UEFA Europa League Q3-Auslosung
1.Runde, 27.-28.07.2019
UEFA Europa League
Q3, Hinspiel, 08.08.2019
Q3, Rückspiel, 15.08.2019